Saturday, December 4, 2010

why with the tears?

some people ask

why with the tears?
why do girl always with the tears?
can't you just sort it out
whatever in your heart...
whatever you wanna say..
whatever that happen to you..
why can't you just
express it with the words,
words that people could know
exactly what happen
and understand better
rather than your tears.
is it too difficult
to use the words? is
it is difficult
when words can't be sort
to express what's inside your heart
girl's heart especially.
you can call us SELFISH
by only thinking that
we are only concern with ourselves
but you might forgotten
that the trigger for the tears
is you.
how you treat us.
how you put commitment towards us.
how you love us.
how you appreciate us.
how you neglecting us.
how you keep blaming us.
and anyhow,
still you keep asking us
why with the tears?

the answer is simple
tears are words the heart can't say..