Friday, November 30, 2012

First Trimester : Week 4

4 weeks pregnant

You are likely to become suspicious that you could be pregnant if your period doesn’t come this week when you expect it to. Keeping track of your cycles with a calendar is a good idea. You may be experiencing some early pregnancy symptoms (see below) which alert you that your body feels somehow a little different to what it usually does. Don’t be concerned if you feel exactly the same as you normally do though. Even if you are officially 4 weeks pregnant, your body is still getting accustomed to all of its pregnancy changes.

By the time you are 4 weeks pregnant it’s possible to confirm your pregnancy with a blood or urine test. Both are extremely sensitive to picking up Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin Hormone (HCG) if it’s present in your system. You can check your own wee in the privacy of your own home and the best time to do this is when you wake up in the morning. This is when the concentration of HCG will be at its highest.

Your baby’s changes this week
Pregnancy Week by Week – 4 Weeks Pregnant
  • This week your baby is the size of a full-stop, or a poppy seed. It is still barely visible to the naked eye.
  • In the 4th week of pregnancy there is a lot of organisation and cell separation going on. Three distinct layers of cells start to form. The ectoderm (outer layer), will eventually become the baby’s skin, eyes, hair, their nervous system, their brain, and even the enamel of their teeth. The middle layer (mesoderm) will become their skeleton, muscles and kidneys, tissues and vascular (blood) system. The layer on the inside (endoderm) will eventually become their internal organs.
  • Once a cell has a specific function, it can’t become a different type of cell. Every one is pre-programmed from the start and knows what to do and what it is to become.